05/15/2019 The Methodological Commission conducted an inspection of the implementation of experimental work - vegetation experiments conducted according to the thematic plan of research for 2019.

The commission visited specially equipped boxes of the institute's greenhouse complex. Scientific leaders and responsible implementers of work programs reported on the implementation of vegetation experiments: Tsygvintsev, PN, Suslov, AA, Dikarev, AV, Anisimov, VS, Sanzharov, AI

The experiments performed cover a wide range of scientific issues:

- the effect of UV-B and UV-A radiation on the growth, and yield of grain crops

- studies of the influence of the innovation organo-mineral complex (HUMITON) on the productivity and quality of crops under the conditions of radioactive and technogenic contamination of the soil

- evaluation of the effect of testing the concentration of heavy metals on contrasting varieties of barley for resistance, identified on the basis of the use of biochemical markers and morphometric parameters

- study of migration of heavy metals and trace elements in the system soil-soil solution - plant.

After control of experiments, the commission came to the conclusion that the work programs corresponded to the plan and terms. The condition of the crops was assessed as satisfactory, corresponding to the expected effects.


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