zdanie1RIRAE is the unique Russian center of fundamental and applied research to ensure the sustainable development of the agriculture and the production of safe products under the conditions of anthropogenic and technogenic impact on the agrosphere, including the development of scientific foundations, practical techniques and technologies to eliminate the consequences of radiation, chemical and other industrial accidents.

The Institute is actively engaged in research in the field of application of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in agriculture and food industry.

Together with the institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Rosgidromet, Rosatom etc., the Institute participates in the implementation of various federal and departmental programs.

Cooperation with international organizations (IAEA, FAO, UNSCEAR) and leading research centers of various countries (Germany, France, England, Sweden, Japan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia) is actively developing.
