Laboratory 1 - Laboratory of animal husbandry in conditions of technogenic contamination



Head of Laboratory

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Isamov Nizametdin Nizametdinovich

+7(484) 399-69-46

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In 1972 a laboratory for animal husbandry was established a, a department of animal husbandry was formed in 1975, in which studies of the biological effects of nuclear fission products on agricultural animals began. Since 1986, the staff of the laboratory has been involved in overcoming the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 2011, the unit was transformed into a laboratory of animal husbandry in conditions of technogenic contamination.



Senior Researcher - Candidate of Biological Sciences Gubareva Olga Semenovna

Junior Researcher - Aleshkina Elena Nikolaevna

Engineers Category 1 - Fadeev Mikhail Yuryevich, Muzalevskaya Irina Alexandrovna, Ursu Natalia Valentinovna

Laboratory researcher - Tikhonova Maria Y.

Kollectiv lab1

Laboratory №1, 2015

Sitting Ursu N.V., Gubareva OS, Muzalevskaya I.A., Ryasnaya E.I.

Standing Fadeev M.Yu., Isamov N.N.


Main areas of research

Study of the patterns of migration of radionuclides and heavy metals in the trophic chain of farm animals:

- assessment of the radiation and environmental situation in areas affected by technogenic pollution;

- determination of quantitative parameters of the transfer of radionuclides and heavy metals in the system soil - feed (ration) - the animal organism - animal production;

- study of modifying factors of migration of radionuclides and heavy metals in the links of the trophic chain of animals (ecological, soil, technological, economic and organizational);

- development of scientifically based principles of normalize the content of radionuclides and heavy metals in the body of farm animals.


Scientific and experimental substantiation, development and implementation of methods and means of obtaining environmentally safe livestock products in technogenic polluted territories:

- scientific and experimental search for methods and means of preventing or reducing the intake of radionuclides and heavy metals in animal products;

- laboratory evaluation and experimental production approbation of the effectiveness of new technological developments;

- experimental evaluation of the safety of the developed methods and means for the health of farm animals;

- оценка качества животноводческой продукции при использовании разработанных способов и средств;

- preparation of scientific and technical documentation for the application in the production of new and improved technological developments for the production of environmentally safe livestock products;

- author support of practical application in the production of developed technologies.


Analysis of samples on the device "Infrapid"

Gubareva Olga Semenovna




Determination of nitrogen / protein by the Kjeldahl method

Muzalevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna




Sample preparation of feed for research

Fadeev, Mikhail Yuryevich


Determination of fat on the device Soxtec

Ursu Natalia Valentinovna
