Scientific and organizational department


One of the first divisions created at the institute (1973) was the scientific and organizational department, headed by Professor I.Ya. Panchenko. As part of the department’s work, an information service began to form (primarily a scientific and technical library based on the funds of the personal library of a scientist - radiologist Prof. G. G. Vokken), which in 1975 separated into an independent division - the department of information and coordination of research work, headed by Professor R. M. Aleksakhin.

In 1993, the scientific organizational department and the department of scientific and technical information were merged into laboratory No. 20 “Planning, coordination, and scientific information support of research,” which was headed by the scientific secretary of the institute D. Kozmina.

In 2016, after the reorganization, a scientific and organizational department was formed, which includes the following groups: planning, coordination and reporting; technical and information support of research; publishing group; as well as a library and postgraduate department.

The head of the scientific and organizational department is Candidate of Biological Sciences Olga A. Shubina.

shubina 1

Head of Scientific and Organizational Department

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Shubina Olga Andreevna

Phone: +7(484) 399-69-94

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Research Planning, Coordination and Reporting Unit:

Senior Researcher - Candidate of Biological Sciences Sanzharova Svetlana Ivanovna

Researcher - Candidate of Biological Sciences Fedorkova Maria Vasilyevna

Researcher - Pronina Olga Eduardovna (postgraduate school manager)

Technical and Information Support Unit:

Junior Researcher - Gordienko Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Lead Engineer Semenyuk Yuliya Petrovna

Systems engineer - Naumov Sergey Vadimovich

Publishing Group:

Lead Engineer Nedikov Alexander Vasilyevich


Head of Library - Bondareva Larisa Nikolaevna

Leading bibliographer - Vozzhennikova Natalya Olegovna

The main activities of the department

- Maintaining and reporting on government research programs (from thematic planning to final reports), international cooperation

- Coordination of research

- Organization of work of the Methodical Commission

- Tracking the publication activity of the institute staff, including the competition of scientific publications

- Work with electronic document management systems

- Work with information systems and research reporting applications

- Work with electronic trading and competitive sites

- Ensuring the educational process of postgraduate students and external students/p>

- Providing the work of the Dissertation Council

- Technical support of an internal local network, Internet, technical support of users

- Preparation of publishing and printed products
