On April 26 2019 the Frst meeting of the Scientific Council of the Section of Agriculture, Melioration, Water and Forestry of the Branch of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the direction of "Radiology and Agroecology" was held at the RIRAE.

The meeting is dedicated to the 33 anniversary of the Chernobyl accident.

In the opening speech, the director of RIRAE N.I. Sanzharova noted the contribution of the institute's co-workers to the elimination of the consequences of the accident.

The program of the meeting included reports:

1. Radioecological assessment of the current state of agricultural land and products of the south-western regions of the Bryansk region contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl accident. (Dr. A. Panov, Dr. P. Prudnikov)

2. Response systems in agriculture in the case of an accident at radiation-hazardous objects: radiobiological and radioecological consequences. (Dr. N. Sanzharova)

